2019-20 marked out remarkable 4.1 million videos viewed on YouTube, 1.8 Million Snaps created and the numbers will only get bigger in 2019. Online marketing landscape is getting so cluttered that if you believe that the positioning and results you acquired in 2019 were satisfactory, same strategy might not being results in coming years

Its continually evolving with new technical developments and more competition, so the essence of framing the right strategy for 2019 becomes quite obvious. 2019 may turn to be a remarkable year towards new dimensions towards the customer service revolution, where brands turn or bots to smartly and promptly handle inquiries and interactions. Facebook pages already are now integrated with customized automated messages to your visitors.

Prospects and Customers feel more connected and comfortable with the connections or relationships with the people as compared to corporate marketing. So to win the scenario one has to ensure and establish “outreach” and “connect” in the campaigns and marketing plans via social media networks and channels.


Content Marketing:

Great Content always dominated the Online Arena for past decade and 2019 will be no different in this statistics. While 2018 marked out Live videos and Video content becoming popular, 2019 will be dominated by Video Content and so Brands needs to have a strategy towards “Video Content Creation and its Marketing”.

Another milestone step we can look forward in 2019 is creation of AI Powered Content backed up with tools and applications which will analyse the requirement and compose content based on focus keywords.

Rise of Chat Bots in Digital Marketing, to decrease the response time and structured interaction with the prospects.

Voice Search and Digital Assistants:

Humans can effectively speak 150 words per minute but can type only 40 approx, so this is the driving factor behind the fact that coming years will show developments towards voice-based interactive systems. Even Google Stats show that in past 1 Year voice search queries almost doubled.